Are you one of the many, who are currently experiencing ‘weird dreams’? In her latest blog post, our lab member Christine Blume gives three scientific exlanations for this phenomenon.
April 2020
“Blue” Light and Its Effect on Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, Alertness and Cognition
Science in times of coronavirus: new avenues of sleep research
In order to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Basel has reduced its research and operations to a bare minimum. But despite these challenging circumstances, numerous new projects have emerged, including a survey on the subject of “COVID-19 & Sleep.”
Dr. Christine Blume about the interests and objectives of her current study.
La pandémie COVID-19 et le bien-être émotionnel: conseils pour des routines et des rythmes quotidiens sains en période imprévisible
La pandemia di COVID-19 ed il benessere emotivo: consigli per abitudini quotidiane e ritmi salutari in tempi imprevedibili
La pandemia di COVID-19 sta rappresentando una grande sfida per ognuno di noi. Varie misure come quarantena, auto-isolamento e soprattutto il cosiddetto “distacco sociale” stanno determinando la nostra quotidianità. Queste misure sono necessarie per limitare l’espansione del virus e per proteggere i nostri sistemi sanitari da un’eccessiva pressione, ma possono anche influire negativamente su fattori che normalmente promuovono e stabilizzano la nostra salute mentale.