Basel Seminar Series on Circadian Rhythms and Sleep

Talks by our members and invited guests take place wednesdays 10-11 am CET, if not indicated otherwise. All talks will take place online until further notice.

Die Vorträge finden üblicherweise mittwochs statt, 10-11 Uhr, online, falls nicht anders angegeben.

DateTimeSpeakerAffiliationTitle of talk
28.02.202410-11Christopher HöhnUniversity of SalzburgHow SMART is it to go to bed with a PHONE? Effects of evening smartphone use on sleep and declarative memory consolidation in adolescents and young adults

Sven Leach 

Childrens Hospital Zurich

Exploring the functional role of different slow-wave types via phase-targeted auditory stimulation
27.03.202410-11Brigitte StegerUniversity of CambridgeWorld religions and medieval sleep patterns
24.04.202410-11Ali AmidiAarhus UniversityOn circadian rhythms, light, and sleep in cancer populations
08.05.2024CANCELLEDDario DornbiererBSYNCOvercoming the clinical challenges of traditional ayahuasca: a first-in-human trial exploring novel routes of administration of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and harmine
22.05.202410-11Raphael KnaierUniversity of BaselPhysical exercise timing and human health

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