Umfrage “COVID-19 & Schlaf”

Wie wirken sich die Massnahmen zur Eindämmung der COVID-19 Epidemie auf unseren Schlaf sowie die Passung zwischen inneren biologischen und sozialen Rhythmen aus? Dieser spannenden Fragestellung gehen Forscher*innen des Zentrums für Chronobiologie in einer Umfrage nach. Erzählen auch Sie uns hier, wie es Ihnen aktuell geht.

Renowned scholarship from the Prof. Dr. Max Cloëtta Foundation

This year, for the first time, a scholarship from the Prof. Dr. Max Cloëtta Foundation will go to a candidate from the UPK Basel. Corrado Garbazza, MD, research physician at the Center for Chronobiology at the UPK, will benefit from this valuable support. He will spend twelve months at the Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston from the end of next year. The program includes research work in various university hospitals of the HMS. After his stay in the USA, Dr. Corrado Garbazza intends to implement the expertise in sleep and circadian medicine gained during his stay at the UPK.

SWISS OphthAWARD for ‘highest clinical relevance’

This year's SWISS OphthAWARD went to Dr. Sarah Chellappa for her publication in JAMA Ophthalmology on the effects of cataract-related lens replacement (artificial lenses) on sleep, circadian rhythm and cognitive functions in older subjects. The contribution was awarded the highest mark in the category "Highest clinical relevance" with prize money of CHF 10,000.

Master Projects Autumn term 2020

Currently, we offer four different Master's projects (5 places) in the field of chronobiology and sleep science at the Centre for Chronobiology (University of Basel, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel). Our research combines different disciplines so that the projects advertised are also suitable for students of different disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience and biology.


Sleep during the ‘lockdown: longer and more regular, but worse

A survey conducted at the University of Basel and the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel has investigated how sleep has changed during the Covid-19 lockdown. The 435 individuals surveyed – most of whom were women – reported sleeping longer while sleep quality deteriorated. The results of the study were published in the scientific journal Current Biology. For more information see the press release of the University of Basel.


Award for our research

Excellent Sleep Research

Prof. Christian Cajochen, head of the Center for Chronobiology at the UPK Basel, received the German Foundation for Sleep Award in the category " Science and Innovation" for research into the effects of light on the circadian rhythm and sleep. The prize was awarded for the first time this year.
