Umfrage “COVID-19 & Schlaf”

Wie wirken sich die Massnahmen zur Eindämmung der COVID-19 Epidemie auf unseren Schlaf sowie die Passung zwischen inneren biologischen und sozialen Rhythmen aus? Dieser spannenden Fragestellung gehen Forscher*innen des Zentrums für Chronobiologie in einer Umfrage nach. Erzählen auch Sie uns hier, wie es Ihnen aktuell geht.

Award for our research

Excellent Sleep Research

Prof. Christian Cajochen, head of the Center for Chronobiology at the UPK Basel, received the German Foundation for Sleep Award in the category " Science and Innovation" for research into the effects of light on the circadian rhythm and sleep. The prize was awarded for the first time this year.


We launched a new OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL “Clocks & Sleep”!

We are very excited to announce that our new journal Clocks & Sleep has officially launched. Please see our first editorial here. We hope to make Clocks & Sleep a dynamic and high quality open access circadian/sleep journal with the greatest possible reach and research impact!