With great dismay, we have learned that Prof. Steven Brown died in a fatal accident on December 14, 2022. Steve worked for some time here at the Center for Chronobiology and with Prof. Anne Eckert, Neurobiology Laboratory of the University Psychiatric Clinics, before taking up his position in Zurich in 2006.
During this time, Steve brought to Basel the method he had developed to characterize the molecular clock properties of fibroblasts. Several successful publications resulted from this period, including the first demonstration of circadian regulation of the human metabolome. In addition to his brilliance and eloquence as one of the top researchers in his field, Steve was a good friend, determined, calm, and always very helpful. Tragically, we lose him, one of the most creative minds and kindest people in our research field. He leaves a big gap, but his inspiration and ideas will endure. Our thoughts are with his family and his research group in Zurich.
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