La pandemia di COVID-19 ed il benessere emotivo: consigli per abitudini quotidiane e ritmi salutari in tempi imprevedibili

La pandemia di COVID-19 sta rappresentando una grande sfida per ognuno di noi. Varie misure come quarantena, auto-isolamento e soprattutto il cosiddetto “distacco sociale” stanno determinando la nostra quotidianità. Queste misure sono necessarie per limitare l’espansione del virus e per proteggere i nostri sistemi sanitari da un’eccessiva pressione, ma possono anche influire negativamente su fattori che normalmente promuovono e stabilizzano la nostra salute mentale.


Award for our research

Excellent Sleep Research

Prof. Christian Cajochen, head of the Center for Chronobiology at the UPK Basel, received the German Foundation for Sleep Award in the category " Science and Innovation" for research into the effects of light on the circadian rhythm and sleep. The prize was awarded for the first time this year.


Dr. Ruta Lasauskaite obtains a competitive Ambizione grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Dr. Ruta Lasauskaite obtained a competitive Ambizione grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for her project entitled «Influence of lighting on mental effort and on motivational deficit caused by fatigue».
Ambizione grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss higher education institution. The Ambizione grant covers the grantee's salary and the funds needed to carry out the project during 4 years. Dr. Ruta Lasauskaite will conduct her project at the Centre for Chronobiology of the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel.

We launched a new OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL “Clocks & Sleep”!

We are very excited to announce that our new journal Clocks & Sleep has officially launched. Please see our first editorial here. We hope to make Clocks & Sleep a dynamic and high quality open access circadian/sleep journal with the greatest possible reach and research impact!

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017 awarded to chronobiologists

Chronobiologists Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael W. Young jointly receive Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2017 "for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm".

Members of our lab appeared in press commenting on this award: Prof. Anna Wirz-Justice was interviewed for the national radio show "Echo der Zeit" and Prof. Christian Cajochen appeared on national TV "Tagesschau".

Projekt «Caffeine-induced effects on sleep, cognitive performance, and underlying cerebral correlates during adolescence» erhält MHV-Beitrag

Dr. Carolin Reichert hat mit ihrem Projekt einen angesehenen Marie-Heim Vögtlin-Beitrag (MHV-Beitrag) beim Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) eingeworben. Die MHV-Beiträge richten sich an Doktorandinnen und Postdoktorandinnen in der Schweiz, welche ihre Forschungstätigkeit aufgrund ihrer familiären Situation unterbrechen oder reduzieren mussten. Sie wird ihr eigenes Forschungsprojekt in der Abteilung Chronobiologie der UPK Basel starten.